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Click on or tap a ministry below for more information.

Praise & Worship

TFBCkids (Children Ministry)

TFBC Students (Youth)

Brotherhood Men's Ministry

Discipleship/Bible Study


SLTC Outreach Program




At Trenton First Baptist we understand the importance of worship. We understand how it softens the heart to receive the word. We also understand that people have differing musical preferences, so we do our best to present a worship service that is relevent to our community.

The Praise and Worship Ministries has opportunities for service in many ways. The Celebration Choir leads worship in the 10:45 a.m. service each week as well as special times throughout the year. One In Spirit is a contemporary ensemble that sings generally once a month. The Children's Choir is designed for school-aged children. The Itty-Bitty Choir is aimed at children ages 2 to 4. The TFBC Worship Orchestra leads worship in our 10:45 a.m. service and is open to those who have instrumental experience. AoK Praise Band leads in worship on a regular basis. We offer many styles of worship at TFBC. Each Sunday we have traditional and southern gospel music in our 9:30 a.m. service. At our 10:45 a.m. service, we blend many musical styles. Add to that our Gospel Quartet, various small ensembles and people who use their talents each week. All of these are important parts of the overall ministry of TFBC.

We also host special artists from time to time, as well as presenting special programs at Christmas time and other times as well. We praise God for His Blessings.

Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. Psalm 33:3
Our Itty-Bitty Choir is for ages 2-4. Led by Tara Page, this is the children's first step in learning to praise God together. Contact Tara for information.

The Production Ministry is responsible for all of what people see and hear during our weekly worship services. We also video our 11:00 a.m. service for later broadcast over local channel 7, KWN. We are always looking for anyone interested in joining the Production Ministry Team and will train those who would like to participate.

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From bouncing babies to bubbling believers, Trenton First Baptist has something for children of all ages. There are Sunday morning classes and children’s church for children from Nursery through Fifth grade.



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TFBC Students (YOUTH)

The youth group at Trenton First Baptist has two goals in mind: maintaining a clear focus on Jesus Christ and making disciples to live for Him. Our youth group, TFBC Students, tries to maintain strong unity in the body of Christ. We engage together in weekly, monthly and annual events, such as our Summer Camp, Fall Disciple Now, Winter Retreat. We invite you to join us Sunday mornings at 9:30 am, and Wednesday nights for our special worship time at 7:00 pm.

We look forward to seeing you! "Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." -Hebrews 12:2

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Brotherhood MINISTRY

Monthly, the men of our church get together to eat, have fellowship, experience the bible, and discuss the needs of our church and community. The first Sunday of the month, we meet at 7AM and start with a big breakfast and have fellowship with each other. We are blessed with many men well trained in the bible and have experienced many valuable lessons in life that freely share with the group in the form of short devotions.


These lessons come from many areas such as: people they have met, places they have been, things they have done, and the word of God. These men speak from the heart and have a way of fulfilling the needs of our group. We also discuss needs of the church and plan workday according to these needs. We also help our church members with special needs, and often take calls from the community and go out and do what we can there as well. All that come to our meetings have something to add no matter how small and we want all to feel welcome so please come and be blessed.

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Each Week we offer Bible study opportunities for our church family and for visitors.

We offer Sunday Morning Bible Study at 8:30, 9:30 and 10:45 a.m.

Wednesday Morning Bible study is at 8:30 am in the FLC Conference Room. It is led by Bro. Eddie and Bro. Dewayne. Wednesday Night Bible studies are at 7:00 pm for youth age through adults, and 6:30 pm for our AWANA children.


We also have cell groups that meet throughout the week at different times, in different locations in our area. Our greatest belief is that Bible Study is something that we should experience in various ways and also experience everyday. We should study as individuals, in small groups, and also in our worship experience.

Please pray about getting involved in one of our Bible Studies, if you would like more information please contact the church office—706-657-4639. And get excited about knowing more about God through the study of His Word with His people. It is our greatest joy and honor to study the Word of God.

Trenton First Baptist Church believes that our Children’s Ministries are a vital part of our church. Our Junior and Children’s church programs help to nurture your child’s relationship with God. Our responsibility is to build upon each child’s faith and to help develop their understanding and belief in Christ. Your children will participate in age appropriate classes that will teach them through arts, crafts, songs, and movies about the Bible and how it is important in their lives. Junior Church (1st through 5th Grades) will meet in the hallway outside the Worship Center as the Choir leaves the stage. Children’s Church (ages 4 through K) may be dropped off or left in their rooms downstairs in the Education Building before the start of the service.

Often referred to as the “No marriage, No mortgage” class, we welcome anyone and everyone that is no longer in high school and isn’t yet 25 years old. We typically meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am, and Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm, upstairs in the Education Building, in the last classroom on the right. Currently, we examine the truth of Scripture on passage at a time, in a format that allows everyone to contribute to the conversation.

Please join us as we grow in the grace of God found in Jesus Christ our Lord!

Our Young Adult Class is for those around the ages 23-30. We meet in the FLC each Sunday morning at 9:30 am. Pam and Rodney Morgan are the leaders of this class. Our goal is to help them begin their adult lives with God as the focal point in their relationships and career. It is an interactive class! We meet to eat at Pam and Rodney’s home to fellowship together often. We would love the opportunity to get more young adults involved!

Join us each Wednesday morning at 8:30 am in the conference room of the Family Life Center for Bible study. This Bible study focuses on a verse-by-verse look at the Word of God, and has been happening for almost 27 years! We are currently in the book of Psalms. Our study in Psalms is divided into 2 parts—the Psalms of David, and the Other Psalms. Join us each week for about an hour beginning at 8:30 am. Please contact the church office for more information.



Don't let a busy weekend or travel plans keep you out of church each week. Beginning January 3, 2019, Trenton First Baptist will have a weekend alternative service during the week—Thursday Night Worship! Join us each week or drop by when Thursday nights fit better into your schedule.

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The greeter ministry provides one of the first glimpses of the makeup of TFBC. We are there to greet people as they arrive for worship services. The greeters help to make all who step through the doors of TFBC feel welcome and a part of our Church family. The greeters also help provide information to visitors regarding functions and ministries at TFBC. The greeter ministry also helps with ushering duties during the worship services.

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We are excited to participate in the life of the students of SLTC. Bro. Eddie serves as a volunteer chaplain and makes regular visits to the campus. Our church family provides meals and hosts activities for the students while they are away from home and preparing themselves for a great career in the Lineman industry.


If you would like to be involved in this Care Ministry to the students of SLTC, please contact our church office. For more information about SLTC and the programs offer, visit LINEWORKER.COM .

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Impact1! is a ministry outreach of Trenton First Baptist Church.  Founded in 2014 by Wayne Moody with the help of his wife Georgie and the support of TFBC membership, Impact1! provides faith-based success strategies and construction skills training to individuals in the Chattanooga area. Students are welcome regardless of their skill sets and backgrounds. Dozens have graduated from Impact1!, most of them going on to improved employment and education.  Many also work on Impact1! paid projects which include remodeling, deck and ramp construction, and other construction projects.  Find out more about Impact1! at IMPACT1CHATT.ORG.​

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